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The People and Culture of Ukraine

Ukraine is an Eastern European country that has an impressive tradition of linguistic and cultural heritage. A large portion of the population is somewhat bilingual, speaking Ukrainian and Russian.

Ukraine, which gained independence in 1991, has been trying to establish itself as a sovereign country while maintaining tight ties to Western institutions like the European Union or NATO. The internal divisions in Ukraine make this much more challenging.

The Orange Revolution, a popular uprising in 2011, swept President Viktor Yanukovych from office and caused a wave in demonstrations against the government. The result was the political shift that resulted in the election of President Victory Yushchenko.

Ukrainians come from many different races and faiths. They are mostly Orthodox Christians, but there are also Roman rite Catholics, Protestants, Jews as well as Muslims.

Ukrainian cuisine is renowned for its use of vegetables and cereals. This is because Ukraine is home to one of the best soil for growing a variety of crops.

Pierogies are an extremely popular Ukrainian food item that is either baked or fried . They feature an egg, flour along with potato and flour filling. It is possible to fill them with any mixture of cheese, sour cream , or minced meat.

Holubtsi are crunchy cabbage rolls which are filled with pork, beef or other fillings, and may be prepared in a variety of ways. You can serve them as side dishes or main courses and they are usually served alongside stews, soups, or sauces.


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