Board Management Software


Board software helps boards prepare meetings, demand votes, coordinate committees and promote data files. It also will save you the time and money which goes into stamping, assembling and shipping panel packets before every reaching.

Its ease-of-use and fast speed make it a great strategy to non-technical users. It integrates well with SQL to provide a unified enjoy of a task.

Easily set up and personalize dashboards, studies, analyses plus more with on-the-fly calculated metrics.

BOARD’s DRONE platform combines planning procedures with observe your spending, forecasting and reporting – effectively aligning performance against corporate goals and strategies. Additionally, it enables administration of the multi-dimensional planning procedure through workflow, security, audit path and versioning mechanisms that enhance control and efficiency of the entire system.

The software’s visual modeling environment allows creating sophisticated Strategy Maps and Scorecards that blend visual functionality web-site and get link info to efficiency and goals. Its advanced functions of What-if evaluation and Aim Seeking enable multi-dimensional simulations that quickly spread the effect of long term future events to each level of collectiong, from the broadest outline (sales by division) down to the actual detail (Item Code).

Board’s robust analytics capabilities contain out-of-the-box statistical functions for on-the-fly measurements and typical formulas simple incorporation in reports, analyses and dashboards. In addition, it provides a versatile toolkit to support a wide range of business versions.

Its multiple deployment options deliver flexibility to thousands of consumers across a diverse array of industries and areas of expertise. It utilizes server clustering to serve workloads to a nearly unlimited number of online nodes through in-memory digesting, ensuring complete scalability with read and write support.


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